(218) 248-7600

Become a Sustaining HRK Donor

By making a recurring monthly donation, you make a lasting commitment to support the Hilltop Regional Kitchen facility so it can be a vital part of the community for years to come.  Becoming a sustaining donor is a great way to help ensure the stability and effectiveness of the Hilltop Regional Kitchen.

Becoming a sustaining donor is easy! Simply enter the amount you would like to donate along with your payment information, and we will automatically charge your credit card each month. In addition to saving yourself time, your money goes further as a sustaining donor because it reduces administrative expenses related to mailings and paperwork.

You choose the amount at which you would like to participate and contact us at any time if you would like to make changes to your donation.

Donate Now

Donate to Hilltop Regional Kitchen to support the facility which provides nutrition and social interaction so those in your community can live independently.